Race FAQ's

We have put together a collection of the questions most frequently asked along with some useful advice. If you have any additional questions, head over to our Facebook page. There will always be someone on hand to answer your questions.

Here is our policy for cancellations:

- If you wish to cancel your entry BEFORE the official posted closing date (7pm Friday 13th Sept for Box End), you will be issued with a gift card for 75% of your entry costs. The gift card will have an expiry date of 31st Aug of the current racing season. We do not do refunds.
- If you wish to cancel your entry AFTER the closing date, you will not receive a gift card or any money back, due to venue costs already incurred.
- All gift card values and/or refunds are at the discretion of the Canicross Midlands committee.
If you wish to cancel, please email canicrossmidlands@hotmail.com
You CANNOT resell or give away your place, or let anyone else enter under your name. Anyone found doing this will be banned from future race weekends.